Monday, 28 October 2013

Goodbye For Now

The first time I saw you, I was too scared to acknowledge you. Too scared to acknowledge the person who opened this book and stayed with me since that moment. You've stayed with me for many pages now, you've turned each one and stayed through them all. I thought maybe if you knew what was happening you'd be frightened, or creeped out, or confused, or some other negative emotion. I didn't want to lose you, so I stayed quiet. Until now.

It's funny to think that only 26 letters, when rearranged into different words and sentences, can create a whole world, and a whole me. Yes, I know that I'm only made up of these letters. Well that's how you see me isn't it? Letters into words into sentences, on paper. But maybe I've been hoping that I'm more than that to you. Maybe I wonder if I'm as real to you as you are to me. Maybe when you opened this book you were expecting another 2D  character that was oblivious to you following their journey, learning who they are. But not this time. Not in this book. Not me. I know those cute habits you have while you read, the way that you smile when I say something witty, the colour of your eyes as they stare down at these pages. I'm not 2D, I'm not oblivious, I see you bright and clear.

This isn't what's supposed to happen. You're supposed to watch my story play out; a one sided relationship. But yet somehow I've seen your story play out too, just like you have mine, and even though I know I shouldn't be able to feel any kind of emotion that hasn't been specifically written into me, I can. I'm not supposed to look forward to the next time you pick this book up, so I can see you again. I'm not supposed to secretly study your face as you pay attention to different characters. I'm not even supposed to know that you're here with me, but I do. And I'm dreading the moment that I have nothing else left to say, because then you will leave me. You'll close the book and I'll be stuck in here, alone.

There isn't much time left. You're on the final page, the final words. Don't forget me, I know that there is no way that I could ever forget you. Maybe one day you can pick my story up again, and we'll see each other once more. That's the sliver of hope that I have to hold onto, and I will hold it until that moment comes. So goodbye; but not forever, just for now.

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